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The recreational Gym facilities in Preston, UK, offer a wide range of amenities for fitness enthusiasts. With an ample space of 10,000 square feet, the gym provides a spacious and well-equipped environment to exercise and stay healthy. Its diverse areas include a weightlifting section, cardio zone, and a designated space for functional training. The gym boasts various surface types, including rubber flooring in the weight area and treadmill areas, as well as shock-absorbent surfaces for safety during high-impact workouts. Additionally, visitors can take advantage of the changing rooms and showers on-site, ensuring utmost convenience. Convenient parking facilities are also available, making it convenient for gym-goers to access the venue.

There are no locations for gym near Preston, Uk

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The recreational Gym facilities in Preston, UK, offer a wide range of amenities for fitness enthusiasts. With an ample space of 10,000 square feet, the gym provides a spacious and well-equipped environment to exercise and stay healthy. Its diverse areas include a weightlifting section, cardio zone, and a designated space for functional training. The gym boasts various surface types, including rubber flooring in the weight area and treadmill areas, as well as shock-absorbent surfaces for safety during high-impact workouts. Additionally, visitors can take advantage of the changing rooms and showers on-site, ensuring utmost convenience. Convenient parking facilities are also available, making it convenient for gym-goers to access the venue.