Dublin Grassroots Sport Health

How to Keep Cool While Playing Sport in Hot Weather

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The UK is being blessed with some wonderful weather of late. If forecasts are to be believed we’re bracing ourselves for yet another mini-heatwave to gorge on this coming week. As we already know, there are a plethora of wonderful sports venues on offer to book online at Playfinder. But, how do you combat the heat during the warm months to come? We take a look at the best ways to enjoy the lovely weather while also keeping cool and hydrated during the hot weather that if believed, is fast approaching.

Stay Hydrated

Yes, this is obvious. However, it is important to remember. Staying well-hydrated is the secret to avoiding dangerous heat-related conditions. Drink up before you’re thirsty because our thirst sensation generally doesn’t appear until we’re already a bit dehydrated. Ideally, you should drink a glass or two of water before you head out to exercise. Drink more after every fifteen minutes or so of activity, and keep hydrating once you get home.

When to play

When to undertake in sporting activities should be noted. Exercising during the sunniest part of the day might seem like a good idea from the air conditioning of your office building. But you’ll be suffering after just a few minutes out the door. Instead of using your lunch break as exercise time, don’t exasperate yourself and opt for a cooler part of the day. Training and competition involving moderate to high-intensity exercise and should take place away from the hottest part of the day. So find a time where its the best of both, gorgeous weather but not overwhelmingly hot.


Train for Higher Blood Volume

Okay, this may seem like a contradiction from my previous comment about avoiding paying sport in the heat, however, this is a well-known technique. “Heat acclimation,” the process of training your body to have more blood. It involves a combination of consistent training and heat exposure. As summer rolls in, gradual exposure to exercising in hot conditions is one of the best ways to train your body to heat acclimation. Start with 10-20 minutes of jogging, cycling, or brisk walking in the mid-morning or afternoon heat, and add just a few minutes each day you get used to the temperatures. When you combine this with drinking big gulps of water whenever you begin to get thirsty, your body will gradually increase blood volume to help you cool.


It may not seem important but what you wear can be vital in keeping you cool in the hot weather. Wear clothing that breathes. A cotton t-shirt will not breathe well and may make you feel even hotter. Exercise clothing which is designed for hot weather exercise is made of fabric that wicks away sweat and allows your skin to do a better job cooling your body. Look for clothing with synthetic fabrics specifically designed for exercises, such as micro-fibres, ultra-thin wool and polyester. Additionally, lighter colours so like the whites they wear during Wimbledon which reflects the sunlight is a smart choice, unlike the darker colours that absorb the sun.

We hope these nuggets of knowledge will prove to be valuable when you participate in your chosen sport in the coming weeks and keep you cool in the hot weather. So what are you waiting for? Make the most of the lovely weather and get active.