Playfinder News

Request for Government to allow Youth Sport to continue

We at Playfinder believe it is very important to allow our children to continue to play sport outside and request the government reconsider its position.

We need to set a good example to our children about how we prioritise physical activity.

Studies have proven how important physical health is to mental health which is being severely impacted at this worrisome time.

In this age of technology the challenge with our younger generations is to keep a balance between digital and the outdoors, but we are now encouraging them to use their phones over their feet. This is not the example we should be setting, that exercise is expendable.

This crisis has highlighted the years of neglect to school sport, as pitch after pitch has been sold off. Never before has the disparity between different schools’ facilities been so apparent, when some kids are effectively banned from playing sport while others are able to continue.

It’s time to nurture the physical and mental well-being of our nation’s children, by enabling them to play sport though these difficult times.

The Playfinder team